Shamanism & Courses FAQs
What is Shamanism?
The word ‘Shaman’ comes from the Tungus language of Siberia, and is often used generically today to describe an individual known in the community as someone who can act as a bridge between ordinary reality and spiritual realms.
A shamanic practitioner moves into an altered state of consciousness to interact with the spirit world in order to practice healing and divination, ask for guidance or assist the souls of the dead to move into the spirit realm.
Is shamanism a religion?
No. It’s an ancient practise of indigenous people, connecting with their spirit guides. All of us have shamanic ancestors. You can be a shamanic practitioner and be Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Pagan or agnostic.
Are your courses accredited?
Yes, they are certified by The Modern Shaman Academy and accredited by the ‘International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine’. This accreditation will be on your certificate so that you can get insurance to practise professionally.
This is a necessary part of the world we live in! But looking at the bigger picture, what’s much more significant than that, is what your heart and spirit guides communciate to you about your work – which will be part of the curriculum.
Do I need to have any previous experience to join the courses?
No. You can join with no previous experience. Just an open mind, willing heart, curiosity and a sense of calling to facilitate healing. If you have any doubts, you can always talk this through with Sue or one of the team. We were all ‘beginners’ at one time!
Are your courses suitable for people who are already practitioners?
Yes. It’s good to come with a ‘beginners mind’ and be curious as to how you can expand and upgrade the skills and methods you already have. You can always have a chat with Sue or one of the team to check whether there is sufficient new material on the training to be of interest to you.
what are the courses fees?
When you book your consultation with Sue, she will go through the current fees and payment options with you. These will be available from December 11th 2020
Do your courses include working with plant medicines ?
No, but the training will provide you with healing techniques that are compatible with that work.
We use drumming, sound, movement, breath, intention and imagination to enter into shamanic states and open up our senses to facilitate healing.
Is shamanic healing or energy healing a replacement for conventional medicine?
They are commonly described as ‘alternative’ or ‘complementary’ therapies. Shamanism addresses the spiritual aspect of healing. Energy and sound healing works with the ‘energy body’.
It is impossible to predict or expect specific results with shamanic/energy/holistic healing.
If you have, or suspect you have a medical problem, see your doctor or professional health care provider. Healing is not a substitute for medical treatment. The information on this website or content of courses is not to be used in place of standard medical, nutritional or general health care or advice by a licensed health professional. Sue Holmes, Fire Horse and The Modern Shaman Academy make no claims to diagnose or cure illnesses.
What equipment do I need to buy for the Shamanic Practitioner & Energy Healer Training??
For this training, you can of course purchase extra books and sacred objects. This is a guideline for the minimum required:
- A rattle
- A shamanic frame drum
- A quartz crystal
- A spray or liquid of your preference infused with cleansing herbs to clean your hands and tools during and after sessions eg Agua de florida, Agua de kananga, or essences such as rose, palo santo, nettle, bramble, wild garlic, rosemary, yarrow etc
- ‘Mindfold’ or bandana for journeying
- An A4 file to store your method notes and personal notes in.
Optional extras include:
- Extraction tools such as feathers or crystal wands
- Basket or box to hold your sacred objects
- Sound healing tools
- Books from the recommended reading list
What equipment do I need to buy for the Shamanic Space Clearing & Geomancy Course?
For this training, you can of course purchase extra books and sacred objects. This is a guideline for the minimum required:
- A rattle.
- A shamanic frame drum.
- A metallic space clearing tool eg bell, chime or gong.
- Harmony balls.
- An altar cloth.
- Candles.
- Smudging tool eg smudge stick, feather, or bee-smoker.
- A spray or liquid of your preference infused with cleansing herbs to clean your hands and tools during and after sessions eg Agua de florida, Agua de kananga, or essences such as rose, palo santo, nettle, bramble, wild garlic, rosemary, yarrow etc.
- ‘Mindfold’ or bandana for journeying.
- An A4 file to store your method notes and personal notes in.
- A white/cream ceremonial outfit
Optional extras include:
- Other sound healing tools.
- Basket or box to hold your sacred objects.
- Books from the recommended reading list.
For the Advanced Course, these extra tools will be needed:
- Dowsing rods.
- Pendulum.
- Crystals for earth-healing.
- Metal pins for earth acupuncture.
- Cast Iron pot or cauldron for fire ceremony.
‘Sue’s teaching provided a good dose of technique, theory, personal experience & practice work allowing for a very well run & integrated course. Sue is a wonderful teacher with a great passion for her work which shows through her teaching and support. She delivers her work with great humility & with lot’s of humour coupled with a wonderful team around her which made the experience very easy going & fun. I look forward to a lot more learning experiences with Sue’.

Himesh Gohil
Spiritual group facilitator & healer, London
Book a free chat with Sue Holmes
If you have any further questions or to see if you and the training are a good fit.