At our residential retreats, we hold beautiful ceremonies for healing exchanges. You will be able to put all of your healing techniques into practice, with the support and guidance of Sue and the facilitator team, in sacred space. We also enjoy singing, dancing, eating, swimming, a prayer fire, tears, laughter, being on the land and the sauna together. On longer retreats we also include days out and optional training days in related subjects. The last day is for integration.

The retreats are exclusively available to participants of our Shamanic Practitioner & Energy Healer courses (both the online 6 and 12 month courses and the in-person 7-day course). They are an opportunity to upgrade your healing skills, receive deep healing and enjoy being together, bonding as community.

The next Masterclass retreat dates are:

  • 5-Day retreat – April 16-22
  • 7-day retreat – September 21-29

Facilitator: Sue Holmes & our experienced team of healers, space-holders & musicians.