:Shamanic Practitioner & Energy Healer Courses

Certified Accredited Training with Sue Holmes

In-Person Residential Course: Practitioner level (Modules 1-6) Location: Spain. Dates: May 20th-27th 2024. Optional Ceremonial training retreat: May 29-31st.

Online Course: All three levels start together: 13/14 July 2024. 

Optional residential Masterclass ceremonial retreats in Spain: April 16th-22nd 2024 and September 21-29 2024.

Grounded by Earth - Led by Heart - Powered by Spirit

Join the Academy of Modern Shamanism & Fire Horse Productions Mailing list and receive these offerings:

2 webinars: Empath’s ‘Protection’ and Ceremonies for Healing and Transformation

2 guided meditations: Reset to Reality and Infinity Walk

2 PDF’s: Colour Your Home and Plants that Produce Fresh Air

The Shamanic Practitioner & Energy Healer courses weave together ancient shamanic methods with contemporary energy healing science – like two trainings in one – enriching you with a magical & powerful healing toolbox.

Through the journey of this training, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Undergo a deep passage of personal healing & transformation.
  • Become a clear channel and grounded facilitator of powerful healing for yourself and others.
  • Become part of a close healing community, joining optional ceremonial Masterclass retreats.

No previous experience necessary.

ALL LEVELS OF ONLINE TRAINING: Foundation weekend, 6-month Practitioner & 1-year Advanced, COMMENCE TOGETHER: 13/14 July 2024.  

ON-SITE RESIDENTIAL TRAINING: 6-month Practitioner course (modules 1-6) Spain: May 20th-27th 2024, plus optional Ceremonial training retreat May 28th-31st 2024.

MASTERCLASS CEREMONIAL RESIDENTIAL RETREATS: exclusively open to our students and graduates. April 16-22 and September 21-29th 2024. 


group of people completing an energy healing course
person laying down, taking part in energy healing

Courses include:

The Modern Shaman Academy Icon

Guidance with appropriate professional boundaries, protocol, ethics and self-care

The Modern Shaman Academy Icon

Development of your relationship with your spirit guides

The Modern Shaman Academy Icon

Working with ancestral healing, karmic patterns, childhood wounds and present challenges

The Modern Shaman Academy Icon

Healing techniques that are heart and spirit led, cross-cultural and multi-dimensional

The Modern Shaman Academy Icon

Group meditations, sharing circles and guided movement sessions for activation, catharsis, integration & embodiment

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Guidance on how to build, grow & run a professional business as a healing practitioner

Online Courses
with optional residential ‘Masterclass’ ceremony retreats

angelic reiki practitioner shaman training

1-Month Foundation Course

The next Foundation training commences 13/14 July 2024.

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sound healing practitioner shaman training

6-Months Practitioner Training

The next Practitioner training commences 13/14 July 2024.

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sound healing practitioner shaman training

12-Months Advanced Training

The next Advanced training commences 13/14 July 2024

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Onsite Courses/Workshops

angelic reiki practitioner shaman training

7-Day Practitioner Training with Optional 2-Days in ceremony

20-28th May 2024 with Optional 2-day Ceremonial training 29-31st.

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sound healing practitioner shaman training

Masterclass Ceremony Retreats

The next Masterclass retreat dates are:

5-Day retreat – 16-22 April 2024
7-day retreat – 21-29 September 2024

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‘This course is amazing! Sue is a great healer, with impeccable integrity, and the gift of transmitting her knowledge very clearly. It’s a path that we travel with ease, learning increasingly complex techniques step by step. The course takes us through a process of deep growth and self-knowledge, of healing our wounds, of seeking the best expression of ourselves, of a sense of service and of helping others, with humility, love and compassion. I feel empowered, confident and excited about what’s to come!’

Lucilia Serra

Economist, Lisboa

‘I feel seen. I have been reminded who I truly am & why I came here & the pathways I must walk to return to harmony. I feel nurtured & transformed into a better human being & a healer with the ultimate gift of life-force. The great mother Sue loves & nurtures. She lives & breathes female authority & fosters growth wherever she goes. She has the heart of a lioness, a powerful, protective warrioress. Her ability to love is a well without bottom and a blessing to those under her wings. Her greatest gift is to sustain and renew her surroundings – which can take shape in a human being, a home or a land.’


Tech, Spain

Book a free chat with Sue Holmes

If you have any further questions or to see if you and the training are a good fit.

Fire Horse Productions