
Video Testimonials

Written Testimonials

In 2019 I had the pleasure to join the Space Clearing & Geomancy training in Portugal. Sue shared her knowledge and experience accumulated in the last 20 years around the world, with so much passion, presence and integrity that it deeply touched us students.
The many different and interesting aspects of the training were presented clearly, giving us the chance to learn and practice under her attentive guidance.

I enjoyed learning about the subtle energies, rituals, ceremonies involved in space clearing and the practical advice on how to promote and run a business. I felt encouraged and supported the whole time.

I have the greatest respect for such a competent and loving teacher.

Haritama Pitzalis

Massage practitioner - London & Swansea

Sue’s training was completely life changing across all levels: physical, emotional and spiritual.

Not only did I begin to learn the ancient arts of energy healing and shamanic practice, it was a profound journey of self healing and re-membering. Through navigating my own wounds I was encouraged to step out of stories and patterns of abuse and victimhood and step into my own power.

The course and teachings enabled me to develop discernment, trust and confidence in my own abilities and self love. I also gained a very impressive tool kit, a deep and powerful relationship with my guides and a whole new shamanic family and community. It was one of the toughest things I’ve ever accomplished and also the most rewarding.

Sue holds an impeccable space of 100% pure light.   I’d consider her training to be a benchmark for anyone else wishing to hold sacred ceremonial healing space for others.

Anita Brulee

Artist, Healer, Chocolatier, Glastonbury

‘The shamanic healing course is so enriching, nourishing and empowering, it shocks me to feel how much more of me is awake, present and open to embracing life. Sue brings a wealth of experience and knowledge with such a light and fun atmosphere. Thank you Sue’.


NLP practitioner, Bristol

‘The course with Sue was magical. Full of new teachings, healing, support and lots of fun and love. I have been always impressed with how authentic Sue is, she has a huge heart and is an amazing healer and teacher.’   


Massage therapist, London

‘Sue’s teaching balances her extensive knowledge and experience with great integrity and humility. I highly recommend, and am looking forward to doing more trainings with, Sue!’  

Amy Branton

Intuitive healer & visionary artist, Brighton

‘Life-changing! Deep & detailed course. Variety of scope. Everything has worked by practice & from direct experience. Thank you Sue, with love’.

Sophia Barta di Albufera

Space clearing & geomancy consultant, London

‘Training with Sue was a truly life changing experience for me. The teachings were beautifully delivered with clarity and integrity. If anyone has the chance to work with Sue, I recommend jumping at the opportunity. I cannot recommend her highly enough!’  

Holland Risley

Web design, Bristol

‘I travelled from the US because I couldn’t find any type of space clearing training this deep in the states. Sue is a great teacher, down to earth and very knowledgeable. I am grateful to have been part of her class’


New York

Sue’s teaching provided a good dose of technique, theory, personal experience & practice work allowing for a very well run & integrated course. Sue is a wonderful teacher with a great passion for her work which shows through her teaching and support. She delivers her work with great humility & with lot’s of humour coupled with a wonderful team around her which made the experience very easy going & fun. I look forward to a lot more learning experiences with Sue’.


Spiritual group facilitator & healer, London

‘Sue’s course was absolutely amazing. She has great integrity and holds a strong and powerful space of healing and learning.  Sue has so many tools in her shamanic toolbox and she weaves all of her magic together with a light and humorous touch. Laughter and fun being one of her greatest gifts that she shares on the course. I received so much during the training, so many healing and teachings. I feel really empowered and excited about what lies ahead.’

Jinty Smith

Shamanic practitioner, Scotland

‘What a great course! Sue’s training is methodical and from the heart. I connected and grew my relationships with my spirit guides and found real practical implications for all the shamanic methods and practices. With guidance, I worked on some, previously unknown to me, blockages and feel lighter, stronger and more myself than I have done before. I would highly recommend this work to anyone interested in this field. Thank you so much Sue.’ 

James Mallorie

Programme manager, Dorset

I am so glad I did this course, it has deepened my trust & intuition & given me new skills too, and I love it. This work is so powerful & the feedback enriching. So deeply grateful Sue Holmes for the teachings & support.

Zena Boutayeb

Acupuncturist, kambo practitioner, space clearing & geomancy consultant, Manchester

In my work, as an architect, I have always felt the need to honor the earth whenever we implement a new construction and, also to bring new energy to the rehabilitated spaces. In search of this knowledge, I met Sue at the ‘International Feng Shui Conference’ (2018) in Lisbon where she gave a very interesting talk on the topic. I wanted to learn from that ‘power woman’ and the following year we joined a group and went to Solar do Pouchão to learn Space Clearing. What a fantastic experience!! I learned to feel the various forms of energy and to do the necessary healings with respect and love, using various techniques and instruments. Endowed with immense wisdom, disciplined in class and at the same time super fun are the characteristics that make Sue a great professional, an excellent teacher and an incredible, delightful human being.’

Paula Albuquerque

Architect, Aveiro, Portugal

‘We are enjoying the benefits of lots of self healing and sending distant healing to family far and wide, we have had some lovely feedback. We want to thank you both for the wonderful time we had learning Angelic Reiki. It was a lot to absorb in one weekend but so worthwhile, we felt blessed to share the experience with such a supportive group; it truly felt we had been divinely guided to come together, a sense of knowingness and familiarity. The attunements and energy shifts we experienced throughout the weekend are continuing to work at a very deep level – we are still integrating the profound experiences we shared, it far exceeded our expectations, channelling angels is just about as ‘amazing’ as it gets!!’

Caroline & Maisie

'Mother and daughter pupils of enlightenment'!, Somerset.

‘Sue is amazing! She is a wonderful mix of fun and professionalism. She has this ability to make you feel at ease, with her infectious laugh, and at the same time deeply honoured and securely held, by the directness of her gaze, which conveys the loving kindness she brings to all her work.

I first met Sue a few years ago when we were co-teaching on an energy healing course and I was instantly struck by her warmth, and noticed how well-loved she was by all the students. She has such integrity and is really committed to being in service to others. I have experienced first-hand her competence and sensitivity in dealing with crises or helping people to process painful or difficult emotions. She is what you would call ‘a safe pair of hands’! You can feel secure in trusting your healing to her, and know that you will be met with compassion and confidentiality. Sue is dedicated to her own healing journey and is always adding to her skills – prepare to be amazed by what she can pull out of her magic toolbox!

A great teacher, an excellent healer and, I’m happy to say, a good friend – If you haven’t had the pleasure of working with Sue, then I’d suggest you hurry up. This lady is in demand!

Marianne Willis

Energy Healer & Teacher, South Wales.

‘Sue’s Shamanic Practitioner and Energy healing course was amazing!

During the teaching, Sue completely steps aside and holds a powerful, safe healing space in which to expand your state of consciousness and experience direct revelation and direct connection with Source.

You are taught to journey into the hidden realms to find lost fragments of your soul and to heal the disempowerment caused by this loss, and into your shadows to bring them into the light. You learn to open up to your true self, to stand in your own power and to directly access the help you need. It is a process of becoming whole.

This course taught me to experience the living web of life through my biological body rather than through my mind. I was able to let go of deep patterns of control that blocked my personal growth and which prevented me from being the highest expression of myself.

We were given tools to live in alignment and sovereignty so we can be of the highest service possible. These tools are helping me to navigate my way through this time of great change and
uncertainty and to help others to do the same.

Caroline Mosdell

Yoga Teacher, Devon, UK & France

Book a free chat with Sue Holmes

If you have any further questions or to see if you and the training are a good fit.

Fire Horse Productions