During 2020, many of us have became much more used to working from home and having Zoom meetings. This has encouraged people who might not have previously trusted the efficacy of distant healing, to be prepared to work in this way – its become ‘normal’.  

All I can go on is my 25 years experience of distant healing – connecting with my client’s energy body (or the energy of their home/workplace if its a space clearing consultation), witnessing the healings taking place between students in Zoom sessions and the feedback I have received from those clients and students that reflect authentically great results. This is why I am confident to offer my services and courses this way.

The advantages of distant or remote healing is that it saves time, energy and expenses of travelling and we can open up to clients worldwide. One of the main issues is just getting over the belief that it doesn’t work. Once people just trust and get their mind out of the way, the healing just happens – by holding a sacred space, setting a clear intention, being present and trusting…

As an analogy, when we watch a movie or read a book, we can easily tune into the emotions of the characters, even though they are not physically present in the room with us! So in a similar way, we can tune into the stories that people carry in their energy field and/or are imprinted into their homes, just by focusing on them.

Like everything, it comes with practise! On our training courses you will get plenty of supervised practise at working in this way, so that you too will be confident with distant healing.