Have you ever felt like life’s struggles are passing you by, leaving your purpose and creative potential unexplored?


Do past traumas continue to cast shadows over your life, preventing you from reaching your fullest potential?

If you’re seeking to:


– Heal from past trauma and rediscover your true self
– Conquer fear, nurture self-love, and embrace personal growth
– Find hidden treasures amidst life’s challenges
– Break free from limiting patterns and embrace a life of magic, trust, and intuition
– Let your unique brilliance shine
– Tap into your innate wisdom and healing abilities
– Join a supportive conscious community
– Uncover deep fulfillment and success
– Discover practical strategies for well-being, relationships, and finances


You’re not alone on this journey. Strong mentorship can guide us to evolve and redefine ourselves. When we look back, we’ll hardly recognize the person we used to be – that transformation is possible!


Coinciding with her book launch, “Becoming a Healer – for yourself & others“, Sue Holmes has brought together a group of trusted facilitators for a life-changing event.

Becoming a Healer – for yourself & others” isn’t just an ordinary book – it’s like a guide for finding your inner power and making positive changes in your life.

You’ll learn how to heal yourself and even lend a helping hand to others in their healing journey too.

The heart of the book is a unique way to balance your energy called “chakra alchemy“.

Think of it as a roadmap to feeling better and finding your inner peace. You’ll also discover fascinating shamanic practices and learn how to use energy for healing. Plus, you’ll find tips for taking care of your whole self – your mind, body, and spirit.




And in this online gathering, 12 world-class change-makers will share their insights on healing from trauma and transforming your life.

Join us for an exploration of personal transformation that leads to discovering your purpose.

Featuring renowned authors, the summit is organized in 3 days:


Day One: Transformation and Empowerment

Nuna Isi Ma: Transformational Teacher, Bestselling Author, Founder of The Rise Movement. Host of Rise Summits & podcast. Empowers through healing modalities and unlocking innate genius.

Caroline Carey: Medicine Woman, myth lover. Soul-doula, writer, workshop leader. Empowers through ancient healing practices and creative expression.

Joy Shaw: Experienced Space Holder, Teacher, Shamanic Healer. Connects indigenous wisdom and body awareness. Song Carrier embracing ancestral knowledge.

Prajna O’Hara: Trauma-Informed Somatic Hakomi Therapist, Curandera, Founder of Village School. Fosters inclusion for disabilities. International retreat facilitator.



Day Two: Wisdom and Creativity

Hoppi Wimbush: Sound, Shamanism, Natural Shamanism Practitioner Training. Founder of Lammas Earth Centre. Ignites creative presence and innate wisdom.

Marianne Willis: Gifted healer, teacher. Mind-body-spirit connections. Empowers spiritual growth and healing potential.

Sarah Rose Bright: Intimacy and Sex Coach, Podcast Host. Cultivates healthy, passionate relationships. Empowers through intimacy and pleasure.

Davina MacKail: Medicine Woman, Feng Shui Maestra. Positive transformation through feng shui and shamanic principles.



Day Three: Spirituality and Well-Being

Catherine Hale: Nervous system coach, guide for change-makers. Empowers post-traumatic growth and a new money relationship.

Ruth Lorna King: Founder of Women’s Medicine Retreats. Guides through transitions, joy, and purpose. Shares life tools and healing songs.

Elizabeth Huebler: Spiritual Mentor, Priestess. Engages spiritual awakening and embodiment. Integrates spirituality and worldly impact.

Sue Holmes: Medicine Woman, Mentor, Author. Founder of Academy of Modern Shamanism. Dedicated to healing, teaching, and personal growth.



We’re delving into empowerment through healing, creativity, transformation, and the call to service. Hear inspiring personal stories of wisdom, transformation, and hope. Each speaker has a unique gift for you – valuable meditations and practices to support your journey. I’m thrilled to be one of the speakers at this summit and I’m inviting you to join us for this exceptional event.


Date: 1-3 September 2023
Cost: Absolutely FREE
Secure your spot now: https://firehorse.uk.com/summit



Together, we’ll alchemize pain into power, turn mess into messages, and transform horror into heroism.

Join us to claim your free ticket to this empowering summit and take a step toward your transformational journey