Module 1 is now a stand alone Foundation weekend course in Shamanic Energy Healing.
This Foundation course has been created as an option for people who would like to get a taste of whether this is the right course for them, before they commit to a 6 or 12 month course.
You will learn:
Ethics and safe practices of a healer; healer’s alignment; infusion technique, working with the chakras; shamanic journeying to connect with spirit guides.
In total this includes:
- 2 x Video Trainings
- 2 x 90-minute group Zoom coaching + Q & A Sessions
- 2 x 90-minute group Zoom practice sessions
- 2 marked Zoom case studies for assessment
- Personal Supervision from TMSA facilitators during the weekend
- Teaching by Sue Holmes
- IPHM Accreditation & Certification (with 2 satisfactory case studies).
If you would like to book your place, go here.
NB: This is a pre-requisite to continue onto any other modules or the full immersion 6 month practitioner and 12 month advanced practitioner training courses
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